Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Delphus 3 platform

A variety of feelings, ideas, aesthetic approaches, skills, and tools have emerged during this seminar and it is very challenging to have them all registered into a common space, while maintaining personal aspects. Delphus3 platform, which started last year, is an attempt towards defining our collective memory space.

Delphus 3 platform hosts
-the traces of our thoughts, feelings and ideas, as conceptual 3D objects
-our perception of real space, given through GPS coordinates and audiovisual material
-our interconnections
-our integration at the mythical space of Delphi, through bidirectional transitions from real to virtual space

Delphus 3 platform is built on an intuitive manner, reflecting us for now, but it will be the basis for deeper research on the field of knowledge-based aesthetics.

Visit the link:

Stavroula Zoi
Multimedia Laboratory, Athens School of Fine Arts

July 2010

Friday, 23 July 2010

Seminar "Experiments on Online Role Playing Games"

The seminar has taken place on Sunday 18th during the IP 2010. The purpose was to present my researchs, as an example of what is done in the INREV (Numeric Image and Virtual Reality) research group from University Paris 8.

Outline of the presentation :

1/ Role playing games : Key facts
Popular types :
- pen and paper role playing games
- live action role playing games
- massively multiplayer online role playing games

2/Common ways to immerse the player into an online role playing game
- 3D realtime environment
- avatar
- persistent world
- multi-user game

3/ Hypothetical ways to immerse the player into an online role playing game
- human master of the dungeon
- strong character background
- stylized rendering
- user generated content

4/ PhD. project : Delta Lyrae 6 ( )

Created with Realxtend

Edwige Lelièvre

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Workshop of Introduction to Isadora

Isadora is a software made by Mark Coniglio and used for installation or performances where interactive control over digital media, especially video is needed. Modulable, open to other worlds through Midi, OSC, serial protocoles, easy to learn.

This software is used at the Tourcoing fine arts school, during the course «Live media», given by Martial Chmiélina and Williams Théry. For the Delfi IP, Martial made us a small introduction showing us the possibilities of it .

Workshop of Introduction to Computer Vision

Fransisco Sanmartin and David Sanz Kibris from the Polytechnic University of Valencia organized a workshop about Computer Vision. During the workshop they presented some of the basic algorithms of person and movement detection, using PureData and Gem.

The workshop included::

  • Installation of pd-extended
  • Introduction to pd/gem
  • Introduction to computer vision.
-Background subtraction example
-Frame difference example
  • Modification and application of these algorithms to individual projects.

Useful links::

Friday, 2 July 2010

The Escherian Metro- Polis of a Kafkish citizen in Pambia

Imagine a huge sponge, as the space to live in, without though having conscience of this presence in this exact space. This place works as a metaphor for an organic everything, part of which we all are (PAMBIA, word formed after Paggaia, the initial geological formulation from which the five continents of our planet derive). The people dwelling in Pambia are everyday commuters in the thousands of tubes this huge sponge has. But they don’t see the place they cross through, as they only have vision of the tube they are in. Sometimes it comes a point where or when (?) one finds oneself at an active point, a point in the Timespace, wherewhen the tube opens to a moving spacestructure. One can wander there till (s)he finds another active point opening to another tube. "Commutation" goes on, the environment slighty changes, the next moving structure waits to be found. But is there any possibility for the commuters to have the general view of PAMBIA? This is a work for the space, the real (πραγμα-τικός) one in the virtual (εικονικός) one, the virtual the coming from the real, trying to uncover the not forgotten one (α-ληθινός).